Simon Deng

NYC Activists Gather to Protest Libyan Enslavement of Black Africans

December 4, 2017

by Heather Robinson

Last week in New York City, African-born Americans rallied outside the Libyan Mission of the United Nations to protest enslavement of black Africans taking place in Libya.

The protest’s focus, according to Queens-based human rights...

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Sudanese-Americans to Trump: help us stop the bloodshed

December 15, 2016

by Heather Robinson


Sudanese-American activists gathered today in sub-freezing temperatures across from Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan to call on President-elect Donald Trump to do everything in his power to stop the bloodshed in South Sudan, the world’s...

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UN Vows Greater Protection for Civilians in Southern Sudan

August 11, 2016

by Heather Robinson


Hopeful news today from the United Nations, where the UN Security Council (UNSC) made a rare decision to meaningfully strengthen a peacekeeping force to protect civilians in a war torn nation.

The resolution, which passed 11 – 0 with...

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If Soldiers Do Not Respect Civilian Life, What Kind of Country Is It?

August 11, 2016

by Heather Robinson


Sudanese-American activists from across the country gathered today outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City to implore the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to increase protection for civilians caught in the crossfire of a...

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Southern Sudanese Women Call for Peace

November 12, 2015

by Heather Robinson

Update: This week, South Sudan’s government said it will host former South Sudanese Vice President Riek Machar at a regional peace conference to take place in Juba, South Sudan’s capital, November 19th.

South Sudan, the world’s...

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Obama, in Africa, Echoed NYC Activist’s Plea

August 2, 2015

by Heather Robinson

On his trip to Africa last week, President Obama called upon combatants in South Sudan’s bloody civil war to halt their violence. In demanding that South Sudanese leaders cease stoking the bloodshed that has claimed 70,000 lives in...

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Simon Deng on Day 40 of Hunger Strike to Save South Sudan

June 24, 2015

by Heather Robinson

Today, The New York Times at last ran a cover story on the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Here in New York City, Simon Deng, escaped slave and human rights advocate, continues his hunger strike. He is now on Day 40 with no solid food and...

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Do Black Lives Matter?

June 1, 2015

by Heather Robinson

Simon Deng on Day 18 of Hunger Strike to Save South Sudan

He is a free man now, and he’s determined to use that freedom to stir President Obama to “save the lives of untold millions of Africans” who are in danger of dying in Southern...

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Hunger Striker Finishes Day 15 to Save South Sudan

May 29, 2015

by Heather Robinson

Simon Deng, escaped slave and human rights activist, is finishing Day 15 of his hunger strike to save South Sudan.

“I’m feeling all right; the body is not here but the spirit is strong,” he told me today.

Deng, 55, has not...

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Escaped Slave Calls On President Obama to Speak Out, Halt Violence in South Sudan

May 22, 2015

by Heather Robinson

Sudanese-American human rights activist Simon Deng is entering day seven of his hunger strike to petition President Obama to act in order to “save the lives of untold multitudes of Africans and their country … South Sudan,” according to an...

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