Iran sends troops into Syria; Dems convene in Charlotte

Tonight, the second night of the Democratic National Convention, it will be interesting to hear what if any discussion there is of America’s role as leader of the world in protecting human rights. I will be listening for any discussion like that of Condoleeza Rice last week, when she stressed in her speech at the Republican National Convention that, although the burdens of leadership are heavy, it is America’s role to continue as leader in protecting individual rights and liberties, including women’s rights, around the globe.

One wonders if those who advance the idea of the supposed Republican “War on Women” envision a world in which U.S. leadership and power–and those of our allies including Israel–is diminished as a world more or less consistent with the protection of women’s rights.

In news from the Mideast, a part of the world often less hospitable to women’s rights, The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Iran is sending troops into Syria. This information is consistent with reports I have received for months from former Iraqi Parliamentarian Mithal al-Alusi, a great champion of human rights–including women’s rights–in Iraq. Alusi has told me that Iran has been training militias of Iraqis and sending them to Syria to crack down on anti-Assad demonstrators.

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