Simon Deng Speaks Out About Persecution of Sudan’s Christians

Today the Center for Security Policy web site features the first segment of my interview with American human rights activist Simon Deng.

While many people are familiar with the fact that Sudan’s Islamist government provided sanctuary, space, and resources to Osama bin Laden in the 1980’s, enabling him to set up terrorist training camps before he moved on to Afghanistan, most are unaware of the slaughter of Sudanese Christians that began in the 1950’s. This genocide, perpetrated by Sudan’s radical Islamist government against Christians, came to a halt in 2005 when President George W. Bush brokered a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The CPA will enable Sudanese Christians to vote to form an independent government in 2011.

Leaders of the semi-autonomous and possibly soon-to-be autonomous Christian nation of South Sudan are eager to form alliances with the U.S. and Israel in fighting terrorism and protecting democracy, according to Mr. Deng.

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