MSM Dumps its Sweetheart

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, it appears Barack Obama has replaced Senator John McCain as the darling of the MSM. My friend Rick recently directed me to the February 11 edition of Newsweek, which features a big story on McCain’s background. As Rick put it, “It’s clear they are trying to seem unbiased, even to the point of citing Republican hit jobs on McCain designed to brand him crazy, when the entire Newsweek piece is, in subtler form, selling the ‘McCain is a nutjob’ script.”

But don’t take my word for it; here’s an excerpt:

John McCain, 71, will be the oldest president ever elected if he goes on to win his party’s nomination and the White House in November. He has made a long, hard journey from being a “rebel without a cause” as he described himself to one of those Navy psychiatrists back in the 1970’s, to a man who aspires to lead the nation and the world. As an angry toddler, he would hold his breath until he passed out (his parents’ cure was the drop him fully clothed into a bathtub of icy water). He has found transcendence, if not exactly peace, through duty and suffering that most people can barely imagine.”

An angry toddler? Gimme a break. Absent from the piece are any concrete examples of ways in which McCain’s “temper” has negatively affected his ability, as an adult, to perform as a legislator or a leader.

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