US Congress: Pass the Taylor Force Act

by Heather Robinson

A bill is coming up for a Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote on August 11th that would cut the flow of U.S. taxpayer money to Palestinian terrorists and the families of slain Palestinian terrorists via the Palestinian Authority.

The Taylor Force Act, authored by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) is named for an American, US Army veteran Taylor Force (pictured above) who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist while on vacation in Israel last year. He is among the 54 Americans murdered by Palestinians while they were in Israel – just since 1993, when Arafat signed the Oslo Peace Accords. Here is a list of Americans killed by Palestinian terrorists since 2001.

Good for Lindsey Graham for sponsoring this long overdue legislation.

It’s always been disturbing that U.S. taxpayer dollars go to support the murderers – and relatives of the murderers –  of our allies, the Israeli people.  But the fact that U.S. taxpayer dollars also go to support Palestinian terrorists – and the families of Palestinian terrorists – who have murdered our American people should frankly be bringing Americans to the street and rooftops in protest. It is a disgusting outrage.

It’s one thing to respect the basic human rights of our enemies, which means we don’t descend to their level (such as targeting the family members of terrorists. We don’t do that). But when Palestinians, or any people, choose to murder Americans, we should not be supporting their family members. Not only is it not our responsibility, it rewards murder and reinforces the profoundly dysfunctional behavior that is regarded as normal – even admirable – by a largely disturbed society. We should not be enabling their madness.

Nor should the flag of Hezbollah be flying proudly over London.

Long past time for the West to stop committing suicide.


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