He’s Jewish!

by Heather Robinson

Incredibly bitter loss for the Seattle Seahawks in Sunday night’s Superbowl. While I don’t usually blog about sports, I have a couple thoughts about it. For one, both teams played well and it was quite suspenseful. Apparently one coach’s decision to have the Seahawks’ QB Russell Wilson pass the ball at the very end of the game instead of hand it off or try to run it into the end zone is being heavily criticized. While I may be out of my depth, I’d speculate this was an example of over-thinking a decision. (To update: a young sports fan with whom I spoke this evening suggested it was actually Wilson’s fault for following orders too precisely. Says my source, “It was actually Russel Wilson’s fault because even when the coach tells you to pass, you shouldn’t do it if there isn’t anyone open. In that case, you should just hand it off or, if there’s no one to hand or pass to, throw it out of bounds so it doesn’t get intercepted. But Wilson passed even though no one was open and so it was intercepted.”)

Silver lining for Jewish Seahawks fans: Patriots Wide Receiver Julian Edelman, one of the stars of last night’s game, considers himself Jewish. I loved his spirit in this interview from last year.

Meanwhile, he couldn’t look less Jewish…

Turns out, he’s a mix (Jewish Dad and Christian Mom).

No wonder he’s such a star.

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