Obamacare looks to be D.O.A.; now what?

by Heather Robinson

Barack Obama

President Obama’s apology on Thursday for the first of Obamacare’s unforseen consequences is a reminder that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions.

This truism is perhaps especially the case when it comes to the application of well-intended, Ivory Tower-style ideas to the real world.

Apparently, people are choosing to flock to new carriers after being dropped by their health insurance carriers. Insurance companies now have the option of allowing these people to extend their coverage, but I’m not sure why these insurance companies would be motivated to do so.

At any rate, Bill Clinton injected himself into the controversy the other day, highlighting Obama’s failure to uphold his promise that no one would be dropped from his/her insurance, no doubt in an attempt to better position Hillary for 2016 (as the astute Michael Goodwin noted in today’s New York Post).

It’s never been clear to me why – if the intent behind Obamacare was humanitarian – rather than overhauling the healthcare system for everyone, the federal government didn’t just create a new program to insure the 40 million working poor/unemployed/uninsured-for-whatever-reason in this country? Such a program would have been hugely costly. But it would have surely cost less than this mess. And one gets the sense we’re only seeing the start of the fiasco.

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