Jewish Voters, Do Not Let President Obama and the Dems Take You for Granted

With 78 percent of Jewish voters going for President Obama in the 2008 election despite his tendency to trivialize Jewish-Americans’ concerns about Israel’s security, is it any mystery that during the past two years, the U.S. President has repeatedly sought to de-legitimize Jewish communities in the West Bank, and even in Jerusalem? Even more important, by all appearances, he is leaving Israel to deal with Iran alone. Of course, he has joined Congress in passing tough sanctions, but most observers agree such sanctions are coming years too late to arrest Iran’s nuclear program.

It would appear that, if some force is to stop Iran, it will probably have to be Israel. That said, the odds that the U.S. President will exercise strong leadership on Iran are much greater if U.S. Jews send a strong message this election. The Iranian regime is probably the greatest threat to humanity since Hitler’s Nazi movement. Israel is directly in the line of fire. Time for U.S. Jews to show some character and stand with our brethren overseas, as well as with the brave people of Iran, and let President Obama know our support for him is not simply a reflex. Much as we are proud to have an African-American President, Jewish-American voters must assess him based on his deeds and his record, not his skin color, not his status as a good liberal. In this age of the independent voter, knee-jerk party allegiance is counterproductive to any informed constituency seeking to advance its interests.

Send the President a message this midterm election that Jewish-Americans count by voting Republican straight down the line. We will be proud to support him in 2012 – if and only if he has our back as well. He has not demonstrated much sensitivity to Israel thus far, and times are precarious.

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