Conservative Michael Moore Shines Light on U.N. Corruption

Ami Horowitz’s documentary “U.N. Me” screened at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam in November to rave reviews. Horowitz, who co-directed and co-produced the film, says he’s inspired by Moore although he doesn’t share his views.

Apparently the documentary deals with many instances and levels of corruption at the United Nations, ranging from the oil for food scandal (which enriched and insulated Saddam Hussein, paving the way for the Iraq War), to disastrous peacekeeping missions in which the “peacekeepers” treat their mandate as a free sleazy vacation, avoiding the hot spots in favor of visiting prostitutes (which is actually less egregious than some U.N. “peacekeepers'” behavior, including hundreds of documented cases of child sexual abuse in the Kosovo, Cambodia, Haiti and the Congo). Apparently Horowitz chased down U.N. leaders Michael Moore-style, and grabbed the mic in the U. N. Human Rights Commission, which is comprised of member states including Egypt, China, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia, who spend most of their time accusing Israel of war crimes.

Can’t wait to see this documentary…will keep eyes and ears open about where and when it will screen next.

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