A Persian Friend’s Take on Women’s Roles in Iranian Uprisings

Recently my close friend, who emigrated from Iran when she was 10, told me what she has learned about the uprisings in that country from speaking with relatives and listening to Persian radio.  She says brave women in particular are playing a major role:

“Not sure if you’re read anything on the role women are playing in the uprisings. I haven’t, yet think it would be so interesting to look at.  The movement gained momentum with Neda’s passing.  And so many other women are dressed and walking side-by-side with men, though one might expect fear, obedience, etc.  Though their lives are seemingly more confined then male counterparts, women are becoming more educated and taking active roles in society.

“You had asked about the makeup of demonstrators–tried to look into it more, seems mostly young though all kinds/ages.  A lot of students, many women…seems like the younger, more educated population.”

How remarkable the courage of these women.

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