Evidently Genocide is Not Enough

Evidently masterminding genocide — or at least allegedly doing so — is not sufficiently evil for Sudanese President Omar al Bashir. Last week he decided to kick out of Sudan 13 NGOs, including Doctors without Borders, Save the Children, and Oxfam.

Today Bashir, who is being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes, and who is believed to be the primary architect of the Darfur genocide, was given an offer by the ICC to have his prosecution dropped if he will allow these humanitarian organizations to continue functioning.

American human rights activist and escaped slave Simon Deng, a Christian who was enslaved by an Arab Muslim family against the backdrop of ethnic cleansing and brutality in the 1960’s, tells me Bashir’s decision to boot aid workers is a swipe at Sudan’s Christians.

“Yesterday the National Islamic Party came out and said they will replace these NGOs with Islamic NGOs,” Deng said today.

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