An Issue for Obama?

Here’s an issue for Barack Obama, or any presidential candidate who is sincere about both fighting terrorism and championing human rights: condemning the recruitment of children to become suicide bombers. Today in her talk to U.S. service members at National Defense University in Washington D.C., Brooke Goldstein, director of the legal project at Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum, voiced an interesting idea on this subject. She would like to see the U.S. government raise the issue of child suicide bombing in the U. N. Security Council, which could then initiate a case in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against those who brainwash and recruit child suicide bombers.

“It’s an infallible legal argument,” said Ms. Goldstein. “No international court will argue it is ok to use children as human bombs.”

Even if other members of the Security Council, such as Russia or China, were to veto the measure, attempting to pass a resolution against child suicide bombing would, Ms. Goldstein pointed out, raise awareness about the issue and expose the hypocrisy of any member states who claim to be concerned about human rights yet turn a blind eye to the use of Muslim children as human bombs.

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