Breaking news: Alusi reports sizable number of U.S. troops have returned to three Iraqi air bases

Former Iraqi Parliamentarian Mithal al-Alusi contacted me today to report that, starting two weeks ago, U.S. troops started returning to military bases in Iraq. I have not seen this information published elsewhere. If it turns out to be accurate, you read it here first.

The bases Alusi says U.S. troops have returned to include Al Asad Airbase, located in the largely Sunni Anbar province, 150 kilometers east of Baghdad; Joint Base Balad, formerly Al-Bakr Air Base (known in popular media as Camp Anaconda), 100 kilometers north of Baghdad; and Kirkuk Air Base in Kirkuk.

Alusi could not confirm numbers of troops but says they are in the “thousands.”

All the aforementioned bases are air bases.

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