Good Morning, Mr. President, Would You Like Some Security With Your Coffee?


Looks like President Obama is waking up to some harsh realities.

Earlier this week the President announced he would not be sending any Guantanamo Bay detainees home to Yemen, an impoverished Arab country that has emerged as a hotbed of terrorist activity. The would-be Christmas Day bomber had recently spent time there and Said al-Shihri, a former Guantanamo Bay inmate, had bombed the U.S. embassy there after his release in 2008.

The close date for Guantanamo has also been pushed off until 2011.

Good calls here.

These decisions suggest President Obama does not want to see any more Islamist terrorist attacks during his term, and that he recognizes the link between common sense security measures and security.

Many including this commentator have feared his dedication to principles espoused by the hard left might trump his pragmatism. But these are hopeful signs that, as an intelligent and practical man, he recognizes the need for common sense in dealing with terrorism.

Hold that line, Mr. President.

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