Again, Links to Examples of “Feminist” Cruelty Towards Sarah Palin and Her Family

I’ve received a few comments and e-mails challenging me to provide concrete examples of the feminist hypocrisy in cruel attacks on Sarah Palin that my co-author Jennifer Ginsberg and I wrote about in our pieces on the media’s and some feminists’ treatment of Palin (please see commentary section below).

For just a couple of many examples, click here and here.

Regarding Trig, a law professor at Cornell has contributed some excellent analysis and compiled some especially egregious examples of cruelty and ridicule here. I don’t know if those who posted these disgusting photo shopped images consider themselves “feminists” because–true to the way lowlifes tend to operate–the cowards posted them anonymously. But I would suspect “Wonkette,” a prominent Washington D.C.-based blogger who has actually defended this cruelty, probably does consider herself a fine feminist.

One of the most patently absurd arguments the perpetrators and apologists for this vileness are making is that Sarah Palin and even her infant son somehow deserve vicious ridicule because she brought him center stage at the Republican National Convention and on the campaign trail. Does that mean that Sasha and Malia Obama deserve to be viciously mocked and reviled because they were “used” as “props” by their father (remember, he brought them center stage at the Democratic National Convention)? How difficult is it to grasp that that would be totally unacceptable? So why the extreme and obvious double standard?

The fact is, the people who defend cruelty in the blogosphere and media against Sarah Palin and her family just won’t–or can’t–see the ugliness of their behavior, and it would appear that no amount of consciousnessness raising will get through to them. Either they are just bestial people or there is something deeper at work psychologically. Or both.

Sarah Palin’s pro-life views, and her decision to have Trig and love him, are so deeply upsetting to them, so threatening to their belief in their own moral superiority, that they feel they must demonize her in order to feel their psychological equilibrium restored.

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