Today’s Rally in Support of Israel Draws 800, including Christian and Buddhist Supporters

Just returned from the Israeli consulate, 42nd St. and Second Ave., where about 800 gathered in the cold to support Israel’s right to self-defense.

Musicians played and the crowd gathered to sing and peacefully show support. In addition to Jewish supporters, numerous self-identified Christian supporters and Indian-American supporters were present.

“We have been fighting Islamic terror for 400 years so we know what it is and we are with Israel on this,” said Gaurang Vaishnav, an Indian-American man who hails from New Jersey and was out in front of the consulate carrying a sign that said, “Hindus for Israel.”

Other Indian-Americans cited last month’s Mumbai attacks and a long history of battling Islamist extremism as reasons they can identify with Israel.

“We have common enemies,” said Krishna Patel, originally from Andabad, India, who now lives in New Jersey. “Their intentions and ideas are not good.”

More on the rally to come.

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